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On the first Praxis studio session the group of twenty-one reorganised itself into a series of smaller architectural practices'. It was in this context that Anon. architect was created, and our practice began to consider our shared values.

"Consider our population is ageing, it is clear that design for age is actually designing for all. Many people are likely to want to be able to live, learn, play, work and grow in inclusive, age-friendly communities alongside, near to or supported by their extended families."

Our practice aims to be realistic in what we can achieve. We need to design for the given environment.

Anon Architects must engage in a continuous dialogue with residents, users, and others in order to produce a comprehensive design. 

Understanding that we present a singular view, that does not necessarily represent the masses. We will inevitably be political in our approach, as designing is a democratic process.

This design charrette helped us to consider questions such as 'what is learning?' and 'what is play?' We used mind maps and diagrams to explore our initial responses, before making refinements that were influenced by our outlined values.


We developed the notion of a funfair to convey the idea of learning through repetitive actions. We envisaged this concept as being transient; the funfair would be housed within a suitcase, therefore allowing users to access its resources in any desired location.

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