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Jake Stephenson

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Operating beyond our capacity as designers Jake explores other methods and ways of intervening in the city as a tool to enact change and make lives richer. Often looking into the development of a society through a sociological and anthropological standpoint.

Florence Booth

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Florence began studying architecture with the sole intent of using the discipline in such a way to bring social justice in the built environment. Her passion is to see communities developed and landscapes changed through architecture. "First and foremost architecture is about people" 

Rosa Turner Wood

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Rosa’s  interest in design developed through an interest in public sector architecture. In volunteering for a series of community  charities, she has experienced first hand the inappropriate arrangement of some civic buildings, such as hospitals and sheltered accommodation. Rosa believes “form should, without exception, follow function”. Her designs aim to respond aptly to the users’ requirements, with a particular interest in how a building might actively produce a healthy environment.

Trevor Stevenson

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Trevor discovered a devotion in architecture though his passion for football stadiums. Having visited many throughout his life he has been able to critically analyse each stadium from a users perspective, and from an architects perspective. This has enabled him to take a different outlook on the way we approach building design that he implements into all his work.

Paul Wright

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Prior to becoming an architecture student Paul worked as a visual curator for 8 years. This understanding of space and building knowledge helped for a seamless transition into studying architecture. One of his passions is building for change and helping those that need it most. "Architecture isn't just for the the rich and famous but it should enrich everybody's life".

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